Yay or Nay? Schitt's Creek (TV Show)

So this has been a little obsession of mine over the past few weeks. I am literally dying to you all about this amazing show cause it's so damn underrated! It's probably cause it's a Canadian show (which I was so surprised to learn) and Canadian shows typically don't have a great track record. But enough of my disbeliefs, let's get on with this shebang!

The Story

The Rose family is rich as fuck. Until their accountant (fucking accountants, I was once one of them, I cannot believe this) fucked them over and stole most of their assets. Except one - Schitt's Creek, which is a random town that the dad, Johnny, gifted to his son as a joke. And so the whole family moves into a motel in Schitt's Creek and they try to deal with their new situation and lifestyle.

My Thoughts

I was a expecting a pretty standard sitcom when I started watching, but I did not see certain things coming.

Most of all, the character development over the seasons surprised and delighted me. The main characters are not too too likeable in the first season, but by like season 3 I was rooting for them so fucking hard!!! And I was such a fangirl for their relationships! Especially the serenading! The Tina Turner serenades were epic and sweet and I fucking cried with joy and I wish for everyone to experience something as beautiful as that from their significant others!!!

I also enjoyed the writing and the word choices that the writers made. So in other words, all the fancy ass SAT type words that Moira used. There should be a drinking game where you take a shot every time she says a big word (don't sue us if you have to get your stomach pumped)

And I just loved how the presented the setting, and all the jokes they made about its schittyness. Like the billboard. It's the best fucking billboard ever. And the tone of it just reminded me of the shithole that I come from, back in rural Poland.

So that's all I have to say! I think you all should watch this for some good time! And don't give up if you find the first season a little lackluster, I think it's definitely the worst one of the series in my opinion.

5 Stars!


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