Our Favourites of July
Meghan’s Favourites
- The Skylon Tower
So a couple weeks ago, I went to Niagara Falls for the night with my family and ended up having dinner at the “Skylon Tower”, which is a CN Tower replica with a two dining room floors and an observation deck. It was lovely, and we ended up watching some really awesome fireworks from the deck, my favourites of which I’ll post below
2) 23andMe
I’m finally doing this test! I know I did one in April, but this was a gift from a relative and it includes a health analysis and genetic analysis, which I’m so interested to see! My mother and I are both doing it, meaning it’ll tell me what genes I inherited from her. I’m really excited to see the results!
3) Buying a JR Pass
In preparation for Japan, we bought our JR train passes for the trip! I’m really excited to get to travel around Osaka, Tokyo and Kyoto and do this awesome summer trip!
4) Ant-Man and the Wasp
I Loved. This. Movie. Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly are amazing in the sequel to the first “Ant-Man and the Wasp”. After watching “Infinity War” I felt I definitely needed some heartfelt superhero comedy (which Rudd delivers in a Deadpool style way!) which I really enjoyed. If you haven’t seen it yet, go check it out!
Pretty much the title! It’s a bunch of my favourite Loki quotes. Enough said. I really love this shirt. I wear it as often as I can now.
It's from Redbubble! I absolutely love supporting independent artists!
Olga's Favourites
I have been so incredibly busy this month, that I don't think I have enjoyed many interesting things, but I have found a few for you loyal viewers.
1. Betting on Zero (Documentary)
We watched this one day on Netflix and it was fascinating! Retells the story of this bullshit company Herbalife, and a Wall Street investor featured gained my admiration :-p
2. Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen (Book)
I've been always a huge fan of her books, and this one may be the best one of them (I'm about 70% into the book as I write this). It's all about Sydney who is looking to make a fresh start in her life after her brother is jailed for a DUI. She befriends a family at a pizza place and her life changes.
I sound so cliche I want to vomit at myself literally.
3. Muse
I've been listening to their music almost non-stop the past few days. Everything about it is genius. Some of my favourites are "Mercy" "Something Human" "Uprising" "Starlight" "Resistance". One of these will be my funeral song.
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