Yay or Nay? Alias Grace (TV Show)
Meghan spoiled the ending of this for me. I love getting on her case about that (Love you, bestie). I mean it was kind of obvious, but I wonder if I would've caught on without knowing. But I still watched it diligently cause I can't disappoint you readers :-p Auntie Olga tries to deliver. So here's the Cliff Notes edition of my thoughts!
Alias Grace is a CBC mini series based on Margaret Atwood's novel of the same name. It's all about Grace Marks, a servant falsely accused of murder, and a doctor interviewing her in hopes of helping her get acquitted. It takes place in Kingston, Ontario during the Victorian era. There are many flashbacks to Grace's supposed crimes as well as her immigration from Ireland.
One thing that I certainly loved seeing, was the intelligence and eloquence of Grace. It is generally not expected that an immigrant servant convicted to a life in Canada's most notorious prison would have a brilliant mind. My favourite quote from her was:
"I'd rather be a murderess than a murderer"
Yay for girl power!
A random scene I loved? When Grace's friend, Mary, was telling her of rebels and the two of them started playfighting with a knife.
I also loved when Mary said, "The only curse Eve had was having to put up with the nonsense of Adam".
This show definitely has many strong points, and it is understandable why so many critics liked it. It's like a long version of a typical Oscar movie. However, for a regular person like me it was a bit slow at times. I guess I was just too accustomed lately to watching drama-filled entertainment like Gossip Girl. So I may have slightly zoned out sometimes… I zone out too often. In lectures at Uni especially. Explains my marks. Although not all of the episodes were like that. The one about Mary Whitney (Ep2 I believe) was absolutely amazing, filled with some interesting social commentary and great dialogue.
Have any of you seen this or read the book? Tell us what you thought in the comments below :-)
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