Our Favourites of April
Our Favourite Experiences of the Month of April!
Meghan's Favourites
- Planning For a Trip: So, Olga and I have started the planning of a trip to Japan. It's been really cool researching places that we want to go to, and what we want to see. It's such a learning experience and, an exciting one at that. I even got a guidebook to do some summer reading over the summer term! (Olga: tea shops, ramen stands, temples and castles, navigating the subway, is gonna be our life this August. So fucking exciting)
2. Love 365: For clarity's sake I will explain what this is. If you follow any of my reviews, you'll notice I do a lot with otome games and the like. So, Voltage, one of the companies that make mobile otome games has recently converted all of their standalone apps to one giant app called Love 365. I've recently had to transfer some of my stories that I have over to this app, and I am loving it. It's user-friendly, interactive, and I've been able to sample a good deal of other stories that I wouldn't have been able to do before. While skeptical at first, I. Am. Loving. It.
3. Walking Out of My Last Exam: Felt fantastic, and now I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life at grad school! Graduation is so near to me! In two months I get to don the gown and cap and get that English degree!
4. Finishing the Twinkle Stars series by Natsuki Takaya: This. Is. An. Amazing. Manga. Series. Read it! My dead heart cried at the ending of the final volume! (Olga: pssst lend me Vol 1)
5. Writing a Final Portfolio: In my creative writing class I edited and compiled, three short stories for my final, and the experience was grueling, but not regretted. I now look back with pride on my stories in the hopes that I can pull off some final polishing later, after writing some new ones to add to the collection. I've decided on a title, should I get it published: The Red String and Other Stories. This is a note specifically for Olga, but I am thinking of writing a piece pour vous, entitled Vindicated. Don't ask me why! It's a surprise! (but search up the song Vindicated by Dashboard Confessional, you might not get it at first, but you'll see. It's a good song. It's about becoming the person you wanted to be, at least in my eyes). (Olga: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄..... Olga dies and is writing this from an alternate dimension where happy people go)
6. DNA Sample: So yeah, I'm doing the "Ancestry DNA" test to see my heritage and roots! This is something I'm really interested in, and I'm excited to see my results!
7. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End: Good game, I'm late on the playing of it though. I don't normally play those types of games, but this one is actually really fun to play and has a compelling narrative. I'm just a horrible first-person shooter.
8. The Crown: Yeah, I finally watched it, and I actually really liked it. I still wish Churchill was around a lot more. He was a really good character! (MUAHAHAHHA I told you you would like it! First season was definitely a little better than the second)
9. The Office: Finally got around to watching this too! I'm Kevin. But Olga and I are Dwight and Michael. She says she is Dwight K. Schrute. Someone give me a Dundy? (Olga: You receive a dundy from me for ensuring yourself the post of my future executive assistant once I take over the world, and being the craziest wildest bestest friend ever :-p)
Olga's Faves
Can anyone believe that this month passed by so fast? I cannot believe that there's sunshine and warmth in Toronto again. And by warmth I mean, 15 C degrees :-p
But, there were still some awesome things I read, watched, used this month, and here they are:
1. Cetaphil Daily Moisturizer: This cream is light and spreads nicely across the skin, and makes my face feel nourished and pleasant. I cannot believe that I just tried to pretend to be like a beauty guru :-p But yeah, if you're looking for some simple skin care, I would definitely recommend this one. (Meghan: Holy shit we have the same moisturizer!)
2. Pie: Me and Meghan got to enjoy some at our favourite diner, and it tasted like the best shag you could ever have. (Meghan: CHOCOLATE CREAM PIEEEEE @ MEL's)
3. Gossip Girl: I watched a couple of seasons in the past before, and this month I got into a mood to restart again. OH MY GOD. CHUCK. BLAIR. I CAN'T EVEN. The drama in this show is ridiculous and unrealistic, but I ship Chuck and Blair so hard my feels can't take it. The fashions on the show are A+ (Meghan: It's on my to-watch list)
4. Higher Ground by Rasmussen: Anyone else excited for the Eurovision? This is the song that I hope wins. It gives me strong Game of Thrones vibes (Meghan: YASSSSS)
4b. Here's another one I hope wins. So sweet and emotional
4c. And here's Poland's entry. I could not have left my country out
5. My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick: If you need a sweet summery book, this is it. Meghan, you would find one story arc in here compelling. I loved the themes of family and friendship, and also the views into the life of a politician. Highly enjoyable
6. Freakonomics: I read one of their books recently, which introduced me to their genius.The podcast is even more amazing! They present economics in interesting and sexy way. The one they did about the Planning Fallacy is wonderful.
What were your favourites this month?
~Olga and Meghan
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