The Vampire Diaries (March Review) (TV Series)
It was a cloudy day. I had just settled down to watch the very popular series "The Vampire Diaries" on my Netflix account.
The mood was set. Dark and brooding atmosphere, notebook in hand. Wearing all black, I wore my "My Chemical Romance" shirt, and I began to hit play.
But something still wasn't right. I still felt...dead inside.
Instead of writing a review, I wrote...lots of sad poetry about the struggles of an angsty teenage life.
Stefan, in a nutshell.
(Olga: Let me interject here, what Meghan described above, was not at all what happened. The day was sunny, I was there too which she FORGOT TO MENTION, Meghan wore... I don't remember actually but I doubt it was all black, and she felt quite alive since this is a fun show, which has brightened up my teenage life significantly in the past. So just so you lovely readers know the full truth, the only thing that was really about what's written above is that it was, in fact, Meghan's account. Cause she's done freeloading off of mine :-p)
Meghan: Need I bring up the constant parallels to that Vampire series that shall not be named? Cuz' I fucking called that shit.
Meghan: I'm joking, but I will be making a lot of jokes about this. Altogether, I was intrigued and interested in the prospect of writing this review with Olga. She was the one who suggested this as a big review for the month of March, and while I was a little apprehensive, this was just before the monstrosity that was the Twilight series, so naturally, I had to watch it.
I also love My Chemical Romance, so if they were to actually incorporate a song into the soundtrack of this series, it will make it ten times more enjoyable for me.
Honestly, while I will make so much fun about the cheesy aspects of the show, I think its got a pretty interesting premise.
We will now react to the first five episodes of the first season.
Episode 1: Pilot
Meghan: This was the one that Olga and I watched together, but from here on out our accounts of the first five episodes will be our own. We're introduced to the initial cast in this one, and the beginning starts out much like a horror film, with two "young lovers" out on a midnight drive.
Need I say what you not do? Beware the fog man! Literally every horror/supernatural piece of literature/film/TV etc. can tell you that. Not surprisingly, they are mysteriously killed.
Fog is literally "Blakian" for bad things!
Then, we are introduced to our main lead, Elena, who is starting school, after losing her parents. She and her brother, Jeremy now live with their aunt (and guardian), Jenna.
Elena Better Bella (played by Nina Dobrev)
I love Jenna, even though in this episode she only appears a few times. She's basically me.
Now, a new boy appears at their school this year, and his name is Stefan Salvatore aka not Edward Cullen.
Elena spends a lot of time, at the beginning of the episode, in graveyards, writing in her diary to her parents, eloquently voiced over, either by her, or Stefan.
I liked these particular scenes, because, although they might be cliched to shit at first, they do it artfully, and I, at least, really felt the sadness that Elena felt. A cemetery is a place of sanctuary for her because it brings her closer to her parents. In addition to that, she also has a fear of cars now (as seen in this episode when driving to school with her best friend Bonnie), and I thought this subplot was really well followed through, even for the pilot episode.
Someone has been making killings, and all evidence points to Stefan (in the scenes that he has, now living with his grown nephew, Zach).
Stefan. not Edward Cullen
Of course, they first meet at school (albeit in a hilarious way, and not like the Voldemort of Vampire series). But, these killings can't be Stefan, as he's sworn off killing humans.
Again. Not Edward Cullen!
Elena has always attracted him from the beginning, and she, to him. There's an interesting reason why that made this show ten times better. (Hint: my theory is it's reincarnated lovers, and fuck that trope is one of my favorites!). Also would like to know why vampires chose to stay away from my high school! I'd love one of these dark and brooding men to follow me anywhere. I often wonder if I am a reincarnated spinster, or something, given my lack of a love life 😆
Olga: Well, Meghan I am quite honestly flabbergasted that you would want vampires. That Damon Smoulder must have really gotten to you :-p
Meghan's Thoughts: For the first episode, I'm already intrigued, especially by the ending, which I will not spoil here, but trust me, it's worth it. Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
Olga: Vampire Diaries, to me, is a memory of my younger self who got excited by things as small as Damon's slanted smile
![]() |
My dream boyfriend to my 15 year old self. And many other 15 year olds. |
Now I must say, it has a somewhat of a different vibe than the rest of the series. The characters are more involved in the more typical high school, and the stakes aren't as high. It's not a flaw just a reflection of the point at which the story is at.
Jeremy was quite a little dick here. Bonnie was absolutely awesome (she's me). Stefan is basically perfect in every way (or is he?) Jenna is the coolest aunt ever!
Oh Meghan, you don't even imagine what's coming later... this is doesn't even begin to introduce the main plotlines.
Olga: The history teacher is a fucking dick! I hate him I hate him I hate him! Will he get what's coming for him? Damn it's so hard for me to not spoil stuff.
Yeah, this episode was sort of fillery but I loved the vibe of the night of the comet so much!
Olga's rating: 😊😊😊1/2
Olga Rating:😊😊😊😊😊
Episode 2: The Night of the Comet
Meghan: Oh Damon, oh Damon, why do you have to be so sexy, and yet, such a shit-disturber? I also hate the history teacher in this episode. Jenna's trying her best!
So this was all about picking up the plot threads with Vicki and reconciling the relationship between Elena and Stefan.
One thing I will comment on though: WHY DOES EVERY ROMANTIC CHARACTER HAVE TO LIKE OLD LITERATURE. Literally, Elena likes Wuthering Heights so Stefan lets her borrow his first edition. HIS FIRST EDITION. The English major in me is both screaming in happiness and anger.
Legit, even I'm not that excited about old literature, but I got the feeling Elena reads it like Harry Potter.
Sly and foxy Damon meeting Elena in their old-ass house is probably my favourite fucking thing ever. Him being all chivalrous was also a nice edition. Jesus Christ, he's the boyfriend I wanted in high school. Where was he all my life?
But, on the other side of things, he's unnecessarily making his brother's life difficult. Not cool man. To be fair though, the thing he does with Stefan and Vicki on the roof is badass. I wonder what his game is?
Jenna trying to be a good parent, and feeling like she was failing though, was another favourite moment of mine. She's trying so hard, and I really felt that. I love the family dynamic here, even if it's not as big a part of the show as I'd like.
A lot happens in this episode, but nothing "life-shattering", yet. (Olga: Just you wait lol) However, this episode was the one to sell me, partially because of Damon. Also the out-loud diary monologuing has now grown on me.
Meghan's rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Yeah, this episode was sort of fillery but I loved the vibe of the night of the comet so much!
Olga's rating: 😊😊😊1/2
Episode 3: Friday Night Bites
So yeah we liked this episode.
The story in 3 sentences or less? Stefan has a pissing contest with literally everyone in this episode. Tyler, Tanner, Damon, you name it. And then the history teacher dies, and Bonnie is a witch.
Although I will say that Damon driving Caroline up in a car is probably the best thing ever. Elena continues to not pay attention in school, and oh my god Stefan arguing with Tanner about history dates is also the best thing. I wonder if Stefan saw Lincoln get assassinated?
And seriously, where is Caroline? Does nobody do homework or school in this episode?
Olga: Yeah, the further you are in the series the less school they do :-p Wish our school was like that.
Honestly, I really don't like Caroline though. She comes across as a jealous bitch and I still feel sad for her. Especially because she's stuck in a quasi-abusive mind relationship with Damon, who I both love and hate.
Also, Elena, third-wheel awkward dinners never go well. I learned this when I third-wheeled at Niagara Falls. And for God's sakes, don't push the witches thing to Bonnie! And while we're on that, where the hell is Jeremy and Jenna. They're having dinner like it's their house and they're 30-year-old married couples. It's so weird! It's like....they're adults pretending to be college kids....oh wait.
Also, I have so much sympathy for Damon and Katherine. That's his humanity, and it's Elena and he wants to get her back! He also deserves every slap in the face that he gets for trying to come on to Elena. Also never invite a vampire into your house. That's literally the number one rule Elena, and you did it.
Other things I appreciated/ criticized in this episode:
So yeah we liked this episode.
The story in 3 sentences or less? Stefan has a pissing contest with literally everyone in this episode. Tyler, Tanner, Damon, you name it. And then the history teacher dies, and Bonnie is a witch.
Although I will say that Damon driving Caroline up in a car is probably the best thing ever. Elena continues to not pay attention in school, and oh my god Stefan arguing with Tanner about history dates is also the best thing. I wonder if Stefan saw Lincoln get assassinated?
My Reaction to seeing Damon watching her sleep at the end.
And seriously, where is Caroline? Does nobody do homework or school in this episode?
Olga: Yeah, the further you are in the series the less school they do :-p Wish our school was like that.
Honestly, I really don't like Caroline though. She comes across as a jealous bitch and I still feel sad for her. Especially because she's stuck in a quasi-abusive mind relationship with Damon, who I both love and hate.
Also, Elena, third-wheel awkward dinners never go well. I learned this when I third-wheeled at Niagara Falls. And for God's sakes, don't push the witches thing to Bonnie! And while we're on that, where the hell is Jeremy and Jenna. They're having dinner like it's their house and they're 30-year-old married couples. It's so weird! It's like....they're adults pretending to be college kids....oh wait.
Also, I have so much sympathy for Damon and Katherine. That's his humanity, and it's Elena and he wants to get her back! He also deserves every slap in the face that he gets for trying to come on to Elena. Also never invite a vampire into your house. That's literally the number one rule Elena, and you did it.
Other things I appreciated/ criticized in this episode:
- Damon pulls the twilight master reflex trick (with the apple pose we all tried to do in Grade 8)
- Damon and Elena romantically put away dishes and I love it
- The plot thickens, Damon dated Katherine reincarnation first
- Caroline’s a useless bitch who can’t do the damn dishes. (Olga: Ummmm, can you do dishes?)
- How about instead of diarying about how to protect Elena, Stefan, you like, do it?
- Locket he gives her has some magical protective ability—called it. It’s probably garlic. (edit: it's vervain but the garlic was a good choice too)
- Stefan breaks fucking Jeremy. To be fair Ty was an asshole
I think this episode really affirms plots, problems and the situation to come. I love that they did something with Damon, and I really want to know more. I thought the dialogue was great, the story intriguing, and this is probably my favourite episode yet. One criticism I do have though is that these episodes have a repetitive structure, and I'm hoping when more story comes into the picture, that disappears. I will say that Damon's character is cliche, however, I'm not going to be too picky about that since they actually make him interesting and not bland.
My biggest criticism lies with Stefan at this point. He's too closed off, and I hate to say it, but even though Damon is like, partially abusive and an asshat, and a shit-disturber, he's going to have to be the one to make Stefan "come out". He has a point, he is a vampire, and like, you can't deny that. You can choose to embrace it and still live a partially normal human life, or you can deny it, and be outcast by the community.
My biggest criticism lies with Stefan at this point. He's too closed off, and I hate to say it, but even though Damon is like, partially abusive and an asshat, and a shit-disturber, he's going to have to be the one to make Stefan "come out". He has a point, he is a vampire, and like, you can't deny that. You can choose to embrace it and still live a partially normal human life, or you can deny it, and be outcast by the community.
Meghan's Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Olga: To add some more thoughts without spoiling, this episode was epicness within epicness I think I love everything about it.
The awkward dinner is probably what it will look like when I get a boyfriend and Meghan tests him (and vice versa. Our bfs will need to have thick skin).
And yes, Stefan does seem a little stiff and boring right now. But there's so much more to him later! Especially when a certain group of characters gets introduced! Damn, I wish I could talk about it ahhhhhhhhh
As for Caroline, she is honestly one of the best characters in the show. Super shallow and vapid for now, but holy shit this is the mere beginning of her development :-)
Olga's rating: 😊😊😊😊😊
Olga: To add some more thoughts without spoiling, this episode was epicness within epicness I think I love everything about it.
The awkward dinner is probably what it will look like when I get a boyfriend and Meghan tests him (and vice versa. Our bfs will need to have thick skin).
And yes, Stefan does seem a little stiff and boring right now. But there's so much more to him later! Especially when a certain group of characters gets introduced! Damn, I wish I could talk about it ahhhhhhhhh
As for Caroline, she is honestly one of the best characters in the show. Super shallow and vapid for now, but holy shit this is the mere beginning of her development :-)
Olga's rating: 😊😊😊😊😊
Episode 4: Family Ties
Meghan: Everything about this episode (save for the Damon plot), literally wasn't needed. EXCEPT FOR THE ENDING.
The story in 3 sentences or less? There's a founder's dance (held to celebrate, obviously, the founding of Mystic Falls). Stefan and Elena go together, only for shit to go majorly fucked up on the way.
My favourite quote from Damon? "Dick move little brother". Also, favourite scene? Damon trashing the Twilight Series, "Edward is so whipped", literally made me cry with laughter, and I respect Damon so much more for saying that.
Also, Caroline knows he's a vampire! That was new and surprising, and I'm immediately suspicious because I know that something's going to happen to change this. I also love Zach for growing Vervain, I was hoping they'd bring some more agency to his role. I'm trying to figure out how, exactly, he's related to Damon and Stefan. I'm hoping that this is clarified in later episodes.
And, I completely sympathize with Damon when he says watching Elena and Stefan dance is Hell for him. I don't know, I do think they made Damon an asshat character, but I still love him, and in that is my inner struggle with this character. Which is good, I haven't had that dilemma in a long time, and it's really hard to do for someone writing a series like that. He has depth, and that's something I can appreciate. There's also some more story about Katherine and her role with the brothers, but I'd like to see a lot more of this in the future. (Olga: Crazy shit goes down with that plot point)
One criticism I did have was Stefan's defensive nature towards Elena wanting to get to know him more. I mean, of course, that's normal, and obviously, it was Damon who planted that idea into Elena's head, but come on Stefan! Obviously, Elena can't date the mystery boy forever. It actually made me angry how defensive he got about that, and then how the show subverts it all once Elena finds out about Caroline's bruises!
In this case, though, I felt like they're trying to keep the mystery going, but given what the end of this episode does, I feel like it's time the secret about Stefan and Damon's vampirism is revealed to Elena.
Speaking of the ending, things are about to go down if certain powerful families in Mystic Falls know about the vampires! I do wonder why they want the Gilbert Pocket Watch though? And, what happens to Damon after the vervain incident.
All in all, the dance segments (except for the more important parts), to me, wasn't necessary, but still appreciated.
Meghan's Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Olga: I actually love the dances and the different events that they go to throughout the series! It adds some culture and fun into what becomes a quite serious and gripping show. But yeah, the story lines are still being set up so I can see why you'd think that it's slow.
However, while it may have seemed slow, a lot of important information was actually revealed! Like basically all the history that Damon taught Elena, is somewhat significant in the long run. There's much foreshadowing (ie. you should really continue the series past the first five episodes).
Jeremy was kind of a dick in this episode. Damn, those teenage hormones areon steroids cocaine, or whatever the fuck Vicki and the druggies feed him. It makes me disappointed in today's youth.
Tyler and Vicki. Two characters I don't really like, and they were together in this episode so those scenes weren't as enjoyable as the rest. Jenna was absolutely bomb though! She'd be such a cool aunt to have :-)
Olga's rating: 😊😊😊😊
Olga: I actually love the dances and the different events that they go to throughout the series! It adds some culture and fun into what becomes a quite serious and gripping show. But yeah, the story lines are still being set up so I can see why you'd think that it's slow.
However, while it may have seemed slow, a lot of important information was actually revealed! Like basically all the history that Damon taught Elena, is somewhat significant in the long run. There's much foreshadowing (ie. you should really continue the series past the first five episodes).
Jeremy was kind of a dick in this episode. Damn, those teenage hormones are
Tyler and Vicki. Two characters I don't really like, and they were together in this episode so those scenes weren't as enjoyable as the rest. Jenna was absolutely bomb though! She'd be such a cool aunt to have :-)
Olga's rating: 😊😊😊😊
Episode 5: You're Undead to Me
Meghan: I think...I wanna be a witch. Bonnie is officially one of my favourite characters in the show. (Olga: Omg I know!!! I love Bonnie too!)
Shit goes down even more.
The story in 3 sentences or less: We pick up where we left in the previous episodes. Relationships are tested, and the plot surrounding the vampire secret thickens.
My thoughts? It's about damn time Stefan comes clean about something, but I still don't trust Damon being locked up forever, because, c'mon Stefan. He's a 145-year-old vampire, and he's got about as many tricks up his sleeve as you do. Poor Zach though, that was the saddest part of the episode.
My favourite scene was Stefan making Elena dinner. I thought that was really cute. Aside from the plot points, a new one is introduced, namely, Elena finds out from a man who says he knew Stefan many years ago that, indeed, Stefan is immortal. Which Elena isn't sure how to deal with.
And Bonnie! I loved her arc. She's getting more witchy!
Normally, I would complain about how mundane the episode is because it focuses on the everyday life of the characters, and that can get a bit repetitive. And it did. But again, they did a really nice job with blending the aspects of mystery and everyday function. That's really good, if not fantastic. Still waiting on a bunch of reveals though.
(Olga: Oh girl, trust me in a few episodes nothing will be mundane :-p )
(Olga: Oh girl, trust me in a few episodes nothing will be mundane :-p )
Meghan's rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Olga: Now, shit totally gets amped up in this episode! The story will take off and not let go until the finale of Season 8!!!
He's such a fucking prick, and I don't see why anyone would think he's good looking! His intentions are definitely not in the right place! He reminds me of this guy (not a good thing in my mind):
And I find it absolutely crazy how a school sanctioned event can be called "Sexy Suds" and encourage underage girls to wash cars in bikinis... like I'm not a fucking prude but this sounds so bloody inappropriate.
But despite these slight mishaps, this was a good and an important episode. As mentioned, everything Bonnie did was on point!
Olga's rating: 😊😊😊😊
Why Meghan Should Continue the Series
In a nutshell, so much more amazing craziness is coming!!!!
First of all, Alaric:
He's one of my favourite characters. I thought he was getting introduced in one of those first 5 episodes, but apparently not. He and Damon have a bit of a bromance later #myfeels
Second of all, Klaus & Rebekah & Elijah:
Now they bring so much life to season 2 and 3! They even got their own spin off later!
Third of all, DELENA!
What do you guys think of this show? Please feel free to start some discussions in the comment section :-)
~ Meghan and Olga
Olga: Now, shit totally gets amped up in this episode! The story will take off and not let go until the finale of Season 8!!!
He's such a fucking prick, and I don't see why anyone would think he's good looking! His intentions are definitely not in the right place! He reminds me of this guy (not a good thing in my mind):
And I find it absolutely crazy how a school sanctioned event can be called "Sexy Suds" and encourage underage girls to wash cars in bikinis... like I'm not a fucking prude but this sounds so bloody inappropriate.
But despite these slight mishaps, this was a good and an important episode. As mentioned, everything Bonnie did was on point!
Olga's rating: 😊😊😊😊
Why Meghan Should Continue the Series
In a nutshell, so much more amazing craziness is coming!!!!
First of all, Alaric:
He's one of my favourite characters. I thought he was getting introduced in one of those first 5 episodes, but apparently not. He and Damon have a bit of a bromance later #myfeels
Second of all, Klaus & Rebekah & Elijah:
Now they bring so much life to season 2 and 3! They even got their own spin off later!
Third of all, DELENA!
What do you guys think of this show? Please feel free to start some discussions in the comment section :-)
~ Meghan and Olga
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