Our 10 Favourite Things this January!
So we decided that for each month, we'll each do a list of "favourites" that we've experienced, whether that be food, music, movies, books, experiences, or whatever! Let's have a discussion about it in the comments!
Meghan's Favourites
- German Radio-Streams: Holy shit, I love these. My German is such crap (to be fair), but I love listening to their radio stations. I only started doing it recently, when I'm doing homework or writing feedback for my Writer's Workshop Class, but I love exploring new music, and I really fucking love streaming German Radio Stations on TuneIn. My favourite one to listen to is:
2. Star Wars: The Last Jedi: One thing you may not know about me is that I'm a die-hard Star Wars fan. I went to see the new movie this month. I have mixed feelings about it. I really do haha. But, I didn't think it was terrible, and I'm curious to see where they'll take it in the next episode (no spoilers, I promise).
3. Victoria by Daisy Goodwin. READ THIS BOOK. It's sooo good. It retells the tale of Queen Victoria's ascension to the throne, and the trials and tribulations she went through. Definitely five stars ( in my opinion).
4. Victoria and Abdul (Movie): This movie made me cry a bit. Another Queen Victoria flick, but starring great actors, and, I think, really encapsulates the relationship between Queen Victoria and her dear friend, Abdul.
5. King Arthur Documentaries: These are something I started getting into pretty recently as well. As an English Lit Major, King Arthur's mythos (and the history behind it) are very interesting to look at. One of my favourite free documentaries on it is Arthurian Legends: The Invention of Merlin which, you can find here: Arthurian Legends-Merlin
6. Bojack Horseman: I'm a little late on this fandom train, but Nostalgia Critic actually did a video about it a while back, saying how weird might be the new brilliant and made an excellent case for it. I think he's right. It actually is a really thoughtful piece, and I'd like to see more of it.
7. Big Mouth: This was actually a TV series that I think has just started up (Olga and I watched one or two episodes of it NYE). I actually first heard of it from "I Hate Everything's" channel. It's actually pretty interesting...and weird. Overall enjoyed it though haha!
8. My Tommy Wiseau Mug: Olga's Christmas gift to me was a mug with Tommy Wiseau on it, screaming the best line from his "so bad, it's good" movie: "You're tearing me apart Lisa!" I love that mug with my life.
9. Graduation Photos: What a wonderful experience, finally getting my university grad photos done this year! Time's really flown, with any hope, I'll be a grad student by next year! Still waiting on the proofs though.
10. Twinkle Stars (Manga) Natsuki Takaya: I know I put this as my all-time favourite manga, but the truth is I just discovered it this month. But it's soooo good, soo, soo, good. Go read it!
Olga's Favourites
1. Your Name: Meghan has gifted me with the manga, which was awesome. And the movie absolutely shattered my heart and then put it back together and then tears!!!!!! SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! SO BEAUTIFUL I HAD TO BOLD!!!
2. MindPump Podcast: I mentioned before that I very much into fitness and health, and these guys provide so much useful info! They are blunt, entertaining, and there's absolutely zero bullshit in their approach. It's a perfect thing to listen to and learn from in a busy workday.
3. My workplace: My coworkers are extremely supportive and kind, and I can't believe that I'm lucky enough to look forward to work every day. I even decided to add a minor in the same field at school. One can never underestimate how important it is to love what you do, and I do!
4. Bob's Burgers: I identify with Louise so much it's crazy. Who else would want their first time "eating lobster" to be in a prison with handcuffs? But honestly, the humor is intelligent like I've never seen before. So happy it dropped on Netflix.
5. The Kingkiller Chronicle series by Patrick Rothfuss: EPIC EPIC EPIC. Absolutely wonderful and immersive fantasy series set in a rich world with relatable characters. These books are long but so worth it!
6. Infinity Scarves: I know, I know, I'm basic as fuck, but guys, it was like -20C for weeks here! These saved my neck. Literally. And they fit basically all of my outfits. Thank you, grandma, for getting me a new one for Christmas!
7. Guided Meditations: One of my new year resolutions is to become more mindful and more in control of my thoughts. So I am trying to meditate every single day, and it's hard. But it definitely has a calming effect on me. I feel like I can separate my negative thoughts from my conscious mind. It's something I definitely wish I did last year. I highly recommend if you struggle with anxiety. Links to my favourite ones:
Meeting Your Future Self: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgORuirswSA&t=834s
Lucid Dreaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4hDRXRnry4&list=WL&index=99&t=1325s
8. Bando Planners: Pretty, cute, and they keep me super organized. Your girl ain't missing her appointments ever. And they have stickers! I use it to record any tasks I do, workouts I have planned, and any events coming up. I linked to their website (they have sale son right now!), and I have the classic agenda in Rose Parade.
9. Minniva: I am so obsessed with her videos. She has an amazing and all her rock covers.... well they ROCK! Hear for yourselves:
10. Fullmetal Alchemist: I read a few volumes of the manga back in high school, and really enjoyed it. I don't know why I stopped then, cause holy shit it is amazing. I've been rereading and I am overjoyed there are so many volumes. It explores some deep themes while also keeping it light.
What were your favourite things this month? Are you gonna check out some of ours?
~Olga and Meghan
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