Yay or Nay: Love's Hella Punk (Otome Game)

      So, I figured since this story just released this week, I’d review my initial thoughts on the free prologue (the first three chapters) that were made available of Voltage’s (or now known as Otome Romance’s) newest title, "Love’s Hella Punk”. Yes, very interesting title, and, I’m still not sure if I get why it’s called that. But! Let’s get into it. 

This is my initial review of Otome Romance’s “Love’s Hella Punk”—or at least the first three chapters, and which I may do a full review of a full route when I have more time to. The first thing to note is that (thank God) this is not a Love Choice story. You do not have to use hearts to purchase or read the story— this is a coin based route and you can purchase the chapters in bundles as such. I believe right now, they have a sale on the first route. That immediately drew me into the game, as long-time readers of this blog will note, I do not support Love Choice, and you can read my other post here if you want to know more on why. 

So let’s get into the story! 

The Story 

So, funny thing. I’m still not sure after reading the first three chapters what the story is. So far, you play the MC, a high school student, and meet the eye of an attractive looking man, who is the type of guy you hate— a bad-boy “ruffian”. And, upon meeting you, he immediately proposes to you, which, understandably, freaks you out. 

But this guy won’t give up. Throughout some fast-paced, high-energy, and rather funny encounters, the man keeps proposing to you, and declaring his love for you. 

My theory is eventually you guys will see eye to eye and of course, have a happily ever after. Funnily enough, I first thought this was an otome game within an otome game because the guy keeps blurting out things like “bad ending” or “take seven”. Like I said, it’s very high energy, literally moves fast both in chapters and in the story, and the graphics are more colourful, silly, and fun, which is a big change from the typical Voltage (Otome Romance) story. Although, like I said, I can’t be sure exactly “what” the story is completely about, it did give me a smile, a laugh at a couple points, and did want to make me read more. 

So this is certainly an odd, but fun story I can see already. 

My Thoughts

I do admire Voltage’s try at changing things up, and as I said, finally listening to the Western fan-base about the Love Choice thing. Especially in this new title. The story as well, seems a little silly, but in a good way. It’s a high school romance, and one that’s going to have some light-hearted twists and turns. The graphics also reflect that attitude. There’s a lot of bright colours, backgrounds, and eye-popping texts to make what the characters are saying have more expressive voices when reading. Even the character designs are more—I want to say spiky but also brighter and more dynamic looking. It definitely reflects a common theme the story is following, and it’s very refreshing to see, as compared to a typical Voltage story. I think it’s also funny that this time, it’s not the girl trying to win the guy, but the opposite, and as playing the MC it did give me a smile. It really is unlike other Voltage stories I’ve read. It’s less dark and serious, more lighthearted, funny, and sweet. 

While I don’t know the LI’s and other characters very well, as I’ve only read three chapters in so far, they do seem like they’re very likeable and all around…just different, much like the story. They’re funny for sure, and the whole thing reads like an anime, oddly enough. Or at least I had that feeling when I played the first few chapters. You’ll have a fun time reading about them if nothing else I think. One thing that does kind of concern me at this point is just a lack of explanation and story, but that might be rectified with the coming chapters so I wouldn’t put too much stalk in it yet. The story may be yet to come, perhaps the first three chapters was a somewhat introduction to everything, which would be fair, as I keep on harping that this is a new direction that Voltage has taken. 

My Rating 

So far I have high hopes for this game. I really do. I think if you have the chance give the first three chapters (which seem to be free) a read and see what you think. I think that right now it would be worth the buy, but as I said, this review will be up for scrutiny since I intend to play an entire route and then provide a full review for my thoughts at some point. But, as of now this is my rating: 

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ (3 stars)

Give it a read! 




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